
Welcome to St. John's Church of our Saviour!
Sunday worship is shared at 10:00 a.m. in person and online--you are welcome to come as you are! To participate remotely, please contact stjohnschurchofoursaviour@gmail.com
or 215-947-3212 by the prior Thursday.
Weekly online services of Wednesday Compline and Thursday Morning Prayer are shared via Zoom.
For updates about worship offerings, parish announcements, and outreach opportunities, just ask to be added to our email list.

What we believe

We believe in the one God who is the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.
While our faith is based in scripture,
we understand scripture through tradition and reason. That 'reason' component means there can be a wide diversity of opinion among members of the church. However, we come together in worship through Christ.


There are various areas in which
your gifts would be most welcome.
Worship-related ministries include
preparing the altar, arranging the flowers, singing, reading lessons, ushering, and serving on the altar.
Your talents are welcome both in and outside of worship. We are currently working to expand our outreach, and we are open to creating new ministries that would make the best use of the gifts that you bring to St. John's.


Sunday school is held during the school year, with children processing to class after the opening hymn and rejoining the service at the passing of the peace. Children are always welcome in worship and once each month we celebrate an all-age service designed with the comfort of young and old in mind.

Our rector is the Reverend Eric Bond.
Our organist is Monica Liggins.
Our layleaders, known as the vestry, are elected by the congregation at our annual parish meeting. Currently serving are John McGill, Gray Safford, Bill Ruckh, Penny Cutler, Shane Lavallie, Ze McDowell, Ellen Herr, and Eileen Shea.