Our parking lot is accessible from Welsh Road or from Grasshopper Lane, behind the rectory off of Washington Lane. Parking is also allowed on the inside of the circular drive. We do share that driveway with the church next door.
You can enter up the steps through the back door, which takes you into our fellowship and office area, or through the front door which take you directly into the sanctuary or worship space.
Pick up a service leaflet from the podium to the left as you enter the sanctuary. If you would like someone remembered in the prayers, you can add them to the list there.
Pick a seat. Anywhere is fine. There are some toys in the rear pew, and your children can take some to wherever you prefer to sit.
In the pew you will find a blue hymnal and a red prayer book, but most of what you'll need is in the leaflet.
During the school year children leave for class after the opening hymn and return at the passing of the peace. They are welcome to stay with you instead. We are used to the energy and noise of children, but feel free to step out and return as needed.
You are welcome to receive communion, standing or kneeling. If you prefer not to receive, you may stay in your pew or come to the rail and cross your arms over your chest to indicate you would like a blessing.
After the final hymn and dismissals, please come into the back room for refreshments and fellowship.
What to wear
Some people are very casual and others like to dress up. Please wear what makes you comfortable. God doesn't have a dress code, and neither do we.